A Muslim friend of mine, Dodi Tabbaa, a hugely talented artist living in Amman, sent me this in an email, which apparently was written by a German doctor living in the States. So many atrocities have been committed in the name of religion, and ethnic cleansing, and communism, and empire... And so many of us have remained silent for decades.
The whole Islam vs Christianity thing has a lot of resonance for me, not merely because I'd lived in Jordan in the early 90s and encountered nary a Qu'ran thumping fanatic. In fact, I loved my three years in Jordan - for me it was the best overseas posting ever. And now I've used the country as the setting for my current work-in-progress. Religious conflict plays a huge part in it - a YA novel which is kind of Meg Cabot meets Khaled Hosseini - and I realize that I have to tread delicately around the issue as it is such a minefield, even if none of my characters are murderous radicals out to behead every infidel. Because none of the Jordanians I've ever met were like that at all.