If Bill Clinton was the Teflon President, the Midget must be the Sandok President. It's not that nothing sticks; everything sticks: the crusty bits of burn-out rice and dried blood, the rancid pork fat, the clusters of rotting innards and the flakes of over-fried fish. And yet it is the ladle that keeps on scooping, scraping the bottom of the every pot, blackening those that once gleamed, scratching the protective coating at their base, scraping the sturdy dignity of their construction, be they copper, stainless steel, cast-iron or earthenware. The collection of irrevocably damaged pans include politicians, media people, justices, army generals, civil servants, some of whom were already of dubious quality.
Just look at the recent cookfest at the House of Representatives, where Joe de Venecia, himself a casserole that had outlived its usefulness, was dumped. But not without the Sandok President's own sons administering the final ladle from the stew called vendetta.
Unlike the typical Filipino who likes to keep his kitchen spotless, with his pots and pans sparkling and his utensils pristine, the Sandok President simply refuses to clean up. Not even after 2010.

She may not get the thorough cleansing and eventual binning she deserves, but boy has she earned the putrid face of the morally corrupt.
Oh, and someone get her to a salon quick. She needs a mustache wax real bad.
(Photo from elcaldillo.org)