The whole Britney saga is so nauseatingly inane, boring and white trash to the core that when I see anything about her on Perez Hilton or wherever, I don't even bother to give the news item a cursory glance. But this, from Moorish Girl, the blog of Moroccan-American writer Laila Lalami, made me laugh:
I heard that Britney Spears wants to convert to Islam. There comes a point in every lunatic celebrity's career when this happens (See: Michael Jackson, Mike Tyson, etc.) And all I can say is: Our nut house is full, Britney. Please take up another religion, we have enough crazies of our own.
Yup, there ain't no room at this inn!
PS I'm still mourning Heath Ledger. So sad. Clearly NOT one of the crazies.
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